Georgia House of Representatives District 1 Candidate, Vicki Mills, has received the endorsement from Georgia Right to Life PAC, a Christian ministry whose mission is to restore respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest beginning until a natural death. Mills announced the endorsement of Georgia Right to Life, an organization which has tens of thousands of members across the state and has been instrumental in advancing the cause of personhood in order to protect the lives of the unborn, in a press release. The Georgia Right to Life PAC made the following statement on Facebook:
“With a background in nursing, two decades of activism in the pro-life movement and experience advancing Personhood efforts in other states, Vikki Mills will be a principled, uncompromising voice for life in the state legislature. House District 1 is comprised of Walker and Dade counties. The GRTL Political Action Committee is pleased to endorse Vikki Mills. Vote for life - vote for Vikki Mills in the June 9th primary!”
Vikki has made ending abortion in Georgia forever a part of her campaign platform. If elected, she promises to work with leaders across the pro-life movement to advance pro-life causes including ending abortion and also opposing physician-assisted suicide.
“I am honored and grateful to join Georgia Right to Life in the fight to advance Personhood and win justice for the unborn,” Vikki said. “I am a 100% ‘no compromises’ pro-life candidate and I want to see abortion ABOLISHED in my lifetime.”