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2020 Assessment Notices are on the Way

Submitted by: Paula Duvall, Chief Appraiser - Dade County

We here at the Assessor’s Office would like to give you a friendly reminder that it is that time of year again where the digest values are set and approved by the Board of Assessor’s and assessment notices are mailed. The job of the Assessor’s office is to set property values that are fair, accurate, and according to market. Our only job in the tax process is to set the property values that will be used for the county and city tax digest. Our office does not set tax rates or determine the amount you will pay in property taxes. We also want to take this opportunity to explain some of the changes you may see to your property value. After careful study and examination of the sales within the county and the statistical data used to determine if any value changes will be done, it showed several areas that needed some adjustments. Those changes are as follows:

1)The base dollar per square foot, which is the starting point for all residences, was increased from $60 per square foot to $85 per square foot.

2) The year of depreciation was increased from 2015 to 2019.

3) The base area, which is also the starting point for the base dollar per square foot, was increased from 1500 to 2200.

4) The sketching label for second and third floors was changed from “interior” to “upper”. This will affect the valuation of those floor labels.

5) The factor used for central heat and air was increased from 3.75 to 4.25. The factor for central heat only was increased from 2.5 to 3.25. The factor for central air only was increased from 2.5 to 3.25.

6) The factor for the exterior wall label for vinyl/aluminum siding was decreased from 1.25 to .90.

7) The maximum size increased from 3000 to 3300 and the minimum size increased from 800 to 1000.

8) The increment factor, which affects the dollar per square foot as you move away from the base rate, was changed to match the base area. (1500 to 2200)

You can see all the changes and some explanations for the changes on the chart attached. With the combination of all these changes, residential property values did change. Some will increase and some will decrease. This all depends on several factors about the residence itself. The changes this year are a first step towards a total county wide reevaluation we hope to complete by the 2021 tax digest. A total reevaluation has not been done in several years. Also, remember if you have the inflationary freeze on your residence, this will protect your taxable value from any increases that may have occurred because of these changes. If your taxable value drops below your frozen base value, you will be taxed on the lower value.

We hope to send out the 2020 assessment notices within the next couple of weeks. The 2020 property values were approved by the Board of Assessors at their regular meeting that was held on May 7th. If you do not receive one by the end of May and think you should have, please let our office know. After values were approved, our website,, was updated with this information.

After assessment notices are mailed, this begins your time to file an appeal with our office if you disagree with the value on your property or any denials of exemptions. You will have 45 days from the date the notices are mailed to file your appeal. If you prefer not to physically come to our office, our staff will be glad to answer your questions over the phone and mail your appeal form directly to you.

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