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Dade Health and Rehab COVID-19 Re-tests Return Negative

by: Summer Kelley

The four employees and one resident who tested positive for active COVID-19 last week at Dade Health and Rehab may in fact be negative for novel coronavirus.

Trina Massengale, LPN /Administrator at Dade Health and Rehab on Sand Mountain has shared the information that the re-tests performed the same day the positive COVID test results have returned negative for the virus. In an update, Massengale said the staff members and resident will continue to be in isolation until complete testing of the negative test swabs is completed.

"We will then update all of you when we have a more definite answer of what may have happened, or if contamination was involved," Massengale said.

Massengale announced the positive test results during a COVID-19 Update for Dade County last week. She shared information on what staff had been doing and continued to do in order to protect patients and staff during the pandemic.


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